Looking for Valin

Lol, tell me about it !! :D

Well, I don’t have Facebook or anything, can someone help me out and pm me his number ?
I can’t seem to find it, but I’m old, so...

Well better late than never!
Than was my old account “NorthernSX”
But, I can’t recall what I needed back then..lol
Glad your back!
Well, there's a build in the works, but that's all I'm going to disclose for now :) It's going to be a 1/4 mile radar sled.

Been playing with my '19 SRX lately. I have it running ok, with a best of 150.5mph in the 1/4 with a trail track and triggers.

I've also been somewhat restoring a '95 Vmax-4. It's still an 800, Jabber ported the cylinders for me, and running PSI pipes. It's almost all back together, and will just be a sunny Sunday driver.

Stay tuned!
