jetting....why needles are overlooked

I just read your post on Jetting - although the post is from 2010, it's still very informative...thank you for taking your time in writing.

I am a new (to me) sled owner with a 2003 Yamaha VMAX 600ER and an '89 Yamaha Phazer. I will be doing my first longer ride with the VMAX this weekend on state trails in northern Michigan, as well a little lake activity. The temperature will be down to 6 degrees F according to the weather forecast, and I am wondering if I need to adjust the jetting at the carbs. I have never done that, and am hoping I don't have to do any adjusting, but I don't want to put my sled at risk. I don't know if those temperatures are cold enough to worry about adjusting the jets from factory settings (middle clip position?). I certainly will be running premium!

I am wondering what the suggestions are - thank you!

If your carbs are clean and jetted factory stock your already on the rich and safe side of things. No point in messing with it till you get some mileage on her and see how she runs.
